Worker’s Voice Research Interview with Fashion Hub Learners (Former Garment Workers)

At the Leicester Fashion Hub we have been supporting academics from two UK universities with their research on worker’s voice mechanisms in the Leicester garment industry. 

The research team were really interested to interview learners that have previous industry experience in the region. The aim was to gather first-hand accounts from the ex-garment workers to gain a clear and honest insight of the issues that they had faced within the industry. Leicester, in particular, has regularly come under media scrutiny for unethical practices in the fashion and textiles sector. The collated interviews will go on to provide documented support and influence recommended social justice strategies for garment industry employees.

Three of Fashion Hub’s learners took part in the interviews and were able to express details of their working journey in the garment industry. All three were very happy to take part and have their voices heard on this issue. 

Participants said…R: “I am happy that the research team came to interview me about my time working in the garment industry. As English is not my first language I was initially apprehensive to speak to them. However, they were very lovely people and made me comfortable. I hope my information helps them with their research and that garment workers voices will be heard. 

“There were both, negative and positive sides during my time at work, I felt happy that I was able to convey this to someone that is looking to improve working standards for the community and garment workers. Thanks to Leicester’s Fashion Hub for building my confidence and helping me to get involved in this important research.”

J: “Thank you to the university researchers for taking time to hear my experience with the fashion industry and my time with the Fashion Hub in Leicester. I really appreciate the opportunity to be heard! All voices matter. The interview was very relaxed and made me feel at ease. Thank you again for the opportunity.”

The research team added: “Our visit to the Fashion Hub in Leicester has provided us with great insight into the pivotal role that education plays in equipping current and future garment workers with the skills and confidence they need to succeed.”
