International Visitors Take the Factory and Styleverse Innovation Centre Tour

This week, commencing 22nd July, Seminar and Tour leader Caroline Ash received four International groups at Fashion-Enter’s Haringey head office for the popular Factory Uncovered Tour and Seminar. 

Caroline commented: “We had two summer school trips from China to start the week, both groups loved the tour along with the AI Style3D Innovation Centre. 

“We then we had another International tour specialising in Business and Sustainability. The students were from all around the globe with varying degrees of experience, which made for a very interesting seminar. 

Finally we had a return visit from MPW International, this group were studying Business. They found the tour of the Factory and all its processes very interesting.”

Feedback from the visitors included:

“I learned a lot about fashion.”

“I learned about the whole process. I really loved seeing the designs being made, especially when I knew that they made the fancy and elegant gowns / dresses for the ‘School of Good and Evil,’ they were beautiful.”

“I found out about the progress of science and technology for this industry and about the use of AI to simulate the physical force of clothes.”

“I saw the use of AI to create a garment and found out that the factory is good and how to make a garment.”
