‘Would Recommend To Other Colleagues And Retailers’ Great Feedback From George ASDA

On 6th August George at Asda employees attended a further Factory Uncovered CPPD workshop to learn how an ethical UK factory operates.

Feedback was excellent:

‘I found this extremely insightful and learnt many new aspects of the design to manufacturing trade. I would definitely recommend other colleagues to do this.’ Lucy, Merchandising Advocate

‘I have learnt a lot of very useful information including cost breakdowns, lean manufacturing, how any small mistake can have such a huge knock-on affect. Very clear and concise useful information. Thank you very much.’ Jenna, Buying Advocate

‘I have learnt a lot! Really good to see a real factory and what goes on. Also, about costing and how the business is operated. Very good information given and in-depth detail which is the most interesting part e.g. the different business operations and fast production v’s the Fashion Studio.’ Tanesha. Merchandising Advocate

‘I have learnt the process of garments through production and what goes into getting costs and what can affect production. Very informative and the right length of time.’ Emma, Merchandising Advocate

‘I have learnt a huge amount! I am not sure what I expected to learn but it definitely exceeded all expectations! I would thoroughly recommend to anyone else to do this training. Fantastic day! Thank you!’ Poppy, Assistant Buyer

‘Really well delivered and very enjoyable!’ Anna, Buying Advocate

‘I have learnt the process from start to finish, costing to sample making. Really insightful to see the factory and workers. Really informative session! Would recommend to other colleagues and retailers.’ Rujvinder, Assistant Buyer

It was fantastic to show the cohort the complete garment production process and how we are a fully compliant factory. Production Director Caroline Ash went into great detail so they could understand how a supplier operates and what question they should be asking. Senior Pattern Cutter Claire Solley discussed the importance of design considerations from both a cost and manufacturing perspective

Overall a great workshop. We look forward to welcoming the next group from George.
