Work Experience with FEL Newtown Wales

Last summer Elena Probert (pictured) undertook work experience with the FEL /FTA team at the Newtown campus, here she talks about the experience and how it has encouraged her with her own fashion journey…

‘I undertook three daysʼ work experience at Fashion-Enterʼs Newtown factory in August 2022. During this time, I saw the start of the production process through to where garments were packed and distributed.

‘On the first day I learnt about the process of receiving a design and creating a marker on the Gerber software and how this is used to cut patterns. Next, I saw the pattern cutting process using the marker which had been printed and laid on top of the piles of fabric. Members of the team showed me how components are cut and the safety precautions to consider.

‘Next, I was shown how to thread a lockstitch machine along with the bobbin and then began to start sewing myself. Following this, I undertook a similar process on an overlocker. Once I became familiar with both the lockstitch and overlocker, I had a go with several other machines including a cover stitch, binding machine, buttonhole and button insert machine. After practicing on pieces of scrap material ‒ I went on to make a t-shirt and tote bag.

(Images of Elena’s samples)

‘The overall experience was eye opening and the team at the factory were welcoming, helpful and answered any questions I had regarding the overall production process.

‘The invaluable knowledge I gained from my short time at Fashion-Enter gave me the confidence to start my degree in Fashion Technology at the University of Manchester in September 2022.

‘The skills I learnt in Newtown have given me a good grounding for the sewing workshops I attend at university. I have been able to link what I am learning to industry of the process from pattern to final garment.

‘The opportunity to return to Fashion-Enter during this summer would allow me to put into practice what I have learnt so far during my time in Manchester.’
