TR Pattern Cutting With TR Super Master Claudette Joseph

On Saturday 20th January 2018, The Fashion Technology Academy held its first class of the TR Pattern Cutting with Super Master Claudette Joseph and it was a resounding success!
TR Pattern Cutting meaning Transformational Reconstruction is a form of origami pattern cutting that translates into instant and intuitive creations. Claudette has been using and teaching TR pattern cutting for the last six years, she is a five times master and three times TR Super Master. She also holds a master workshop on TR pattern cutting annually alongside creator and founder of TR pattern cutting Shingo Sato.
The aim of the course is to provide insight and to educate individuals about TR pattern cutting. Individuals that attended learnt that with TR cutting that they could work directly onto the base shape and manipulate the style lines by building the shape. In conjunction with 2D pattern cutting the group were able to create couture forms of interpretations with their designs.
Overall a fantastic response was received, here are just a few comments:
“It was an informative and inspirational introduction to TR cutting. I found Claudette’s style of teaching very clear and easy to follow, I really appreciated seeing all of Claudette’s samples. It was an exciting and clear overview of the processes of TR cutting, I learnt how to make a basic ‘origami’ bodice block” Barley
“I absolutely loved the course and would definitely consider returning back for the next date provided. I learnt the multiple intricacies of TR cutting” Ade
“I have learnt from the course that TR pattern cutting isn’t as daunting as I thought it would be, but rather very achievable to create. I am definitely interested in joining when the next date for the course is delivered” Aimee
New dates coming soon!