Tottenham Community Press Features Fashion-Enter Factory Making NHS Scrubs

Posted on the 1st May 2020 the ‘Tottenham Community Press’ features an article on Fashion-Enter Factory and its production of medical scrubs for the NHS.

Written by Luchia Robinson the article titled ‘Local fashion social enterprise makes medical scrubs for NHS‘ talks about how the factory has switched its production from fashion to medical apparel and how Fashion-Enter teaches technical production skills to local individuals in the area.

Fashion-Enter CEO Jenny Holloway comments in the article:

“We’re just very proud to be doing our bit – [we] are delighted to be supporting the NHS.”

“This is quite a dynamic, moving situation, and at the moment we are happy making the scrubs – we know they’re lovely, and they’re made with love from Tottenham.”

Fashion-Enter has now been working on NHS scrubs, gowns and medical apparel since the 1st April 2020.

Tap here to read the full article.
