Tiverton Primary School Choir Performance In The Factory

On 24th April a local primary school choir gave an uplifting and heart-warming performance on the factory floor at Fashion Enter.


The performance marked the five year anniversary of the Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh with the collapse of a garment factory that killed 1,138 people and another 2,500 were injured. Since this tragic event we have seen a Fashion Revolution asking brands Who Made Your Clothes?On 24th April a local primary school choir gave an uplifting and heart-warming performance on the factory floor at Fashion Enter.

As a key supplier to ASOS amongst other leading retailers we now make up 10,000 garments a week in a safe, productive and happy working environment where workers get paid properly. The exclusive performance by Tiverton primary School Choir marked a celebration of our ethically compliant factory. Following the performance we gave the school children ages 8 – 11 an educational tour around the factory teaching them how their STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects at school could all be linked to careers within the fashion industry.

‘Tiverton Choir had a wonderful time performing on the factory floor for Fashion Enter.  Thank you for making us so welcome. After performing, the pupils in the choir also participated in a garment making workshop. They learned about design, pattern cutting, stitching and steam press. Thank you to all at Fashion Enter for your wonderful hospitality.’

Huge thank you to Tiverton Primary School Choir for participating in this cross borough engagement within Haringey.
