The Team Welcome Dr Helen Goworek From Durham University

Fashion-Enter ltd recently welcomed Dr. Helen Goworek, Associate Professor (Teaching) in Marketing (Strategy) at Durham University, in a supporting role to review the latest industry standards that currently operate within the fashion garment manufacturing sector. Fashion-Enter’s CEO Jenny Holloway has trained as a teacher, assessor, IQA and is now currently undertaking her EQA role with SEG (previously the ABC Awards).

Dr Helen Goworek second in from the left at Fashion-Enter’s Factory

 Jenny explained: “We have found it nigh on impossible to recruit teachers and tutors that are adequately trained on the latest industrial standards that are pertinent in today’s dynamic world of fashion and garment manufacturing. We find it far more beneficial to recruit internally and then retrain our staff to become qualified teachers. This is why we welcomed Dr Helen Goworek today (19th September 2019) as she wanted to see firsthand how we operate and understand how a company in London can competitively produce for our clients such as ASOS, Tesco and M&Co.

“The meeting covered a wide variety of topics from lean manufacturing, JIT, TIM WOODS, Galaxius and the joys of integrating an ESFA approved learning environment into a factory that’s constantly busy and engaged in all related jobs to production.”

Fashion-Enter ltd is currently producing over 10,000 garments a week from their North London Factory which is SMETA and Fast Forward approved. Manufacturing on British soil does and can work and we look forward to working with industry and government on ensuring best practices are in place for the future and growth of the fashion manufacturing industry.
