Setting Up Your Business: Are You Getting the Support You Need? Asks Solicitor Nick Gould

“Learning the FTA way is not about tick boxing off criteria. We want our learners to be industry ready and we constantly have masterclasses and seminars that cover key business areas. What can be more important than legal matters today!” Comments Jenny Holloway CEO of Fashion-Enter Ltd / FTA. “At Fashion-Enter Ltd we have been working with Nick Gould for almost 12-years. Nick now works at Aria Grace and always supports the creative sector and new brands. Thank-you Nick for your on-going support.”

Here Nick Gould Partner / Solicitor at questions setting up or having a new business in the UK and whether you can access valuable support and advice…

‘I live in Israel now, I arrived last month but have been travelling here regularly for 20-years. I have seen two contrasting “things”since I arrived which may be relevant for anyone who chooses to read this and is setting up / has set up a new business.  

‘First, how incredibly bureaucratic this country is. It will take me about two months to change the status of my bank account—even while staying with the same bank. Everything related to the State, is driven by a specific ID card—which normally takes about two weeks to get after arrival. At the moment it would take nearly four months, but I have managed to get a slot at the end of July, only two months away, but involves a 100-minute journey each way—to the only place available this month or next.

‘Against that, the high-tech industry here is one of the most successful industries in the world. I think it is second only to Silicon Valley in California. Almost everything you use (whether you know it or not) has something in it created by Israeli techie experts. There is a business drive here which somehow enables thousands of start-ups and established companies to just “get on with it”. I still need to understand what that is. And why we don’t have something like it in the UK and if we ever could somehow, I doubt it…anyway…

‘Then I wondered what the biggest obstacles are you see to you setting up and growing your business; Is it, for example, too much “red tape”,  lack of affordable finance, lack of accessible finance, lack of space to set up your business, lack of role models, lack of employees if you need any (particularly now), lack of advisors at a realistic fee, lack of mentors …. or some or all of these things?  Or something else? Do you think start-ups are “valued” in the UK? Maybe you feel overwhelmed by it all, even though you have a great idea, or maybe you are just doing it!

‘Once you have thought about setting up your business – if indeed you think it of interest / relevance, do you have any idea what to do next? Do you keep trying or give up? Are there organisations that you can go to (probably) and which can actually provide immediate and practical advice (less likely).

‘I guess organisations such as Fashion-Enter could be the hub to try and help with some of these issues. If there were enough start-ups , smaller / growing companies in one particular industry then you might be able to make a noise. But equally I accept entirely, it isn’t easy and I’m not sure even in this age of mass communication / social media and all the benefits those are meant to bring – for the really hard bits of setting up a new business, they help.

‘I would be pleased if anyone reading this would like to respond… positive or negative.’ 

More from Nick…

An Example of the “Life – Cycle” of a Company and What It Needs

Case Examples for Small Businesses to Take Note Of (Part 2)!

Case Examples for Small Businesses to Take Note Of!

