September Places Available On Our Stitching And Patterns Courses

The Fashion Technology Academy (FTA) has places available for its next installment of Stitching and Patterns courses commencing 2nd September 2019.

Stitching Courses

Stitching Academy is a six-week course where you can learn the fundamentals of using a variety of industrial sewing machines and identify the correct settings for the fabric. You will practice a variety of sewing techniques to produce a range of stitch samples, measuring, cutting and constructing a basic pattern, and learn to identify what is good and poor quality.

Stitching Academy Level 2 is a twelve-week course that follows on from Level 1. From garment construction to handcraft tailoring techniques, this course will further develop your skills and knowledge.

By the end of the course, you will have constructed a more tailored garment.

Perfect Patterns Courses

Employers regularly comment that there is a real lack of industry-based pattern cutters; that current graduates are too conceptual and patterns are not fit for the purpose intended in the industry today. The FTA Perfect Patterns course concentrates on accurate patterns that aim to be right the first time. Core basics of anatomical fit combined with fabric considerations and commercial tolerances are thoroughly reviewed and integrated into the teaching.


The FTA has over 30 Alvanon fit forms to ensure that all body profiles are reviewed plus skilled experts from the live Factory and Fashion Studio disseminate the industry’s best-kept secrets to ensure perfect patterns are created. Perfect Patterns is available at Level 1 and learners can progress to Level 2.

Click on the links to find out more about each course.

Stitching Academy Level 1

Stitching Academy Level 2

Perfect Patterns Level 1

Perfect Patterns Level 2

Contact tel: 0208 809 3311e-mail: for more information and to book your place.
