Safeguarding, Prevent, Equality & Diversity

Having recently undertaken a full Ofsted inspection we realized just how important our extra curriculum activities are to our FCFTA training provision.

From Safeguarding to Prevent and embedding personal thinking and listening skills with Functional skills there’s no area that the FCFTA doesn’t cover!

Careers advice and guidance is combined with Chunking seminars whereby we test the long-term memories of our learners and the environment in which we all live and work in is woven into the learning program too such as Black History Month

It’s also vitally important that apprentices and all learners engage as much as possible in the community and that’s why the new poncho program for the homeless is so important this Christmas. Learners need to appreciate all aspects of where they work and live and the importance of giving to those less well off in life

Learning is not about unit tick boxing – it’s about the entirety of the curriculum, about the learner having unconscious deep routed knowledge, behaviours and skills that automatically relates to their job execution and inner mental health well being

We’re very proud of the learning we provide and the success we achieve – thank you to all the tutors, compliance staff, guest speakers and friends of FEL for making our training provision so strong

October enrichment 
November enrichment 
