Since 2017 Fashion-Enter Ltd (FEL) has actively engaged with teaching support and courses for HMPS (His Majesty’s Prison Service) trainers and inmates.
FEL’s HMPS Train the Trainer courses provides clear support and instruction on working with industrial sewing and cutting machines. The courses include up-to-the-minute health and safety information with live, practical demonstrations and the opportunity to demonstrate understanding through observation and participation.
The fashion production skills shortage and the training of inmates was recently highlighted on SKY News UK in a feature titled: ‘Inside the prisons training up British fashion workers’ from reporter Mickey Carroll. Mickey had visited FEL back in November to cover the opening of the United Repair Centre at FEL’s Haringey HQ. During her visit she spotted individuals from HMPS being trained in cutting and set up another interview with FEL Founder, Jenny Holloway, to discuss the skills shortage, inmate training, and employment opportunities upon release. Jenny’s interview features in this short clip in amongst footage from the London College of Fashion and its training and production facility at Downview women’s prison.
Jenny comments: “Over the last seven years we have been working with the HMPS supporting on a wide range of services ranging from specialist tuition in cutting and stitching to product support with buttonholes and grading. As industry leaders in production our factory must be lean and efficient.
We try to constantly improve our services in terms of quality and delivering the right skills to a wide cross section of clients. A huge thank-you to HMPS for having their trust in us! We have a superb working relationship with them and long may this continue.”
Tap here to view the short SKY News UK video