As part of our ongoing commitment to our tutors Fashion-Enter Ltd constantly updates non curriculum areas such as Prevent, Health and Safety, Equality and Diversity et al.
Our tutors need to have the latest information and knowledge on non-academic areas ensuring that the learner has 360 degree support.
Recently we have been centring on Prevent and the importance of identifying any negative changes in learner’s behaviour, dress or character.
Tutors are far more than tutors! Today they have an all-encompassing role to play that ensures the well-being and safety of a learner and their fellow learners. The role is wide and varying and differentiated to the wide variety of learners that they teach.
Jenny Holloway Fashion-Enter Ltd (FEL) CEO commented: “Over the last two years we have seen a major need to support all learners both externally and internally. The increase in learners that disclose mental health issues is on the rise but it’s positive that learners will now have the confidence to disclose their anxieties. We have a team of people to support the learners and I’ve personally been so concerned over the increase of learners with adverse mental health issues I’ve taken a qualification in counselling skills so I can adopt the right language and skills to support all learners.”
FEL is very proud of their track record at the FTA and the work they do to support progression into jobs and / or creation of micro businesses. Destination data is gathered every 3 months to six months and then yearly to ensure that there is full wrap around support for the FTA learners.
Jenni Sutton Fashion-Enter Ltd Development Director further commented: “I’ve been with the company 17-years now and can constantly see how we develop to support clients and learners in every way possible. I’ve found the presentations on Prevent personally helpful and can clearly see why this area is so important today.”