Fashion-Enter Ltd and its educational departments, the Fashion Technology Academy and the Tailoring Academy, are a part of the London Independent Learning Provider Prevent Network. Prevent shares, supports and endorses good practice across London independent learning and employer providers while additionally providing strategic direction and oversight in the further education sector in London.
The network aims to ensure that the sectors are aware of the risks posed by terrorism and extremism locally and nationally, and that these risks are effectively managed. The network uses the definition of extremism as defined in the Prevent Strategy which is vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
Members of the network are responsible for:
+ Developing a programme of Prevent work (training, policies, risk assessments, etc.) to ensure providers’ needs are supported
+ Promoting Prevent delivery
+ Oversight of the support provided by the FE/HE Regional Prevent Coordinator
+ Highlighting challenges and additional support needs to the FE/HE Regional Prevent Coordinator
+ Sharing good practice at meetings
+ Cascading information to relevant colleagues within their institution
+ Leading work within their institution to increase resilience to extremism
Network members expect:
+ Each member to contribute to network meeting discussions in a respectful way
+ Honest and open discussions thereby designating network meetings as a safe space
As a part of Prevent Network Fashion-Enter endorses the responsibilities listed above and will attend network meetings on a regular basis.