Online Panel Discussion 15th October – America’s Future

Join Mike Fralix, CEO TC2 Labs LLC, Trevor Little, Professor of Textile & Apparel Management – Wilson College of Textiles at NC State University, Will Duncan, President of SEAMS, Anastasia Vouyouka, CEO of Telestia and Glenn Jackman, Senior International Trade Manager, The Economic Development Partnership for a 2-hour online panel discussion.

The agenda will cover:

  • What is the future of Fashion and the industry?
  • Role of America (inland & in the world)
  • Explore factors & solutions to make the turnaround
  • Available Government support

In North America alone, the apparel, fashion, and beauty industry together generate approximately $600 billion in annual revenue and employ more than four million people.

Apparel and fashion companies must act quickly to secure business continuity, minimize downside for the latter half of 2020, and get ahead of business-model changes that may be necessary coming out of this current disruption.

To join and listen to what the expert panel have to say tap this link and register.
