International Groups Take the Factory Uncovered Seminar and Tour

Fashion-Enter Ltd Director, Caroline Ash talks about the tour groups she welcomed at the Factory in Haringey this week, 17th July 2023.

“We had two international tours in this week. One organised by Kensington Park School, who are regulars with us now, bringing groups to us throughout the summer.

With a project to complete at the end of their experience we did the usual tour but highlighted the areas that would be essential for the project such as: ESG, Re-shoring, Technology, Metaverse and how dramatically the industry is changing and how to keep ahead of these changes. This helped bring to life the industry and gave them lots to think about for their projects.

The second group was another regular for us with a wide range of universities and nationalities, brought to us by Insider London. They were business students and had similar interests to the first group. We had some very in-depth questions and comments. They were a lovely group and really enjoyed seeing the factory operate and understand how this relates to business decisions.”

Feedback from the attendees included,

Kensington Park School:

“Excellent factory, good and valuable presentation on the actual insights of the the industry.”

“I found out about the process that goes into making clothes and each department, and how to make clothes in an eco-friendly way.”

“I learnt so many things. It was good.”

“I found out a lot of interesting information about the fashion industry.”

Insider London:

“Really good speaker.”

“I learnt how the fashion industry works and was able to hear from someone with experience. It wasn’t boring, it was really informative.”

“Loved the visit, very clear and friendly.”

“Really informative tour leader.”

“Very good tour, clear and friendly.”

“I found out how minimum wage in the UK works, how garments are made. Everything was great!”
