Fashion-Enter Ltd was thrilled to be awarded a small grant to trial a new way of learning technical skills for this digital age. It is well documented that the garment manufacturers of today have an aging workforce – those that still have British stitchers tend to be 55-years + and the younger machinists are from 30-years + from Eastern Europe mainly. This is where the Fashion Technology Academy is absolutely vital for the future – we are trying to attract a new generation of stitchers!
We have excellent success and completion rates with our Level 1 and 2 courses but the younger learners are so tech savvy that they kept asking for more resources to review online…how could we say no!
After securing the bid with UFI we have created three state of the art videos that provide interactive learning and assessment for stitching skills and machine maintenance. It’s a new inspiring way to learn.
Here is Julia Jeans, Lead Market Researcher on the programme from UCL, interviewing two participants of the test run for the videos.