Initial Advice and Guidance – Being Focused is the Only Way To Go

During the 2021/22 academic year Fashion-Enter Ltd had a 100% success rate with Level 1 courses in both patterns and stitching, and recently we were asked; how do we achieve that success rate?
The truth is, it’s the preparation before possible learners go on to our courses that counts.
We take great time and pride in our pre-entry IAG (Initial Advice and Guidance) and our initial IAG checklist to ensure that people are on the right course, at the right level and that they are keen and will stay committed to the course.
Having the backdrop of the fully audited Factory works amazingly well. We invite people to an open day and we provide guided tours, we undertake free short classes, especially in upcycling and recycling, and this gives FEL tutors and technician’s the time to get to know potential learners.
Tutor Ana recently commented: “I love taking our potential students around our ethically approved factory in Haringey. Most of them have never ever seen a factory and when they see all the amazing opportunities for jobs here they are keen to start and finish our courses in both stitching and patterns.”