From the summer of 2022 Fashion-Enter Ltd (FEL) has been supporting the Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers (SDCAS). The SDCAS centre provides help to relieve poverty and distress, and to promote health and further education for asylum seekers and refugees. (Pictured below Mansor, Emran and family with Jenny Holloway and FEL tutors.)
FEL and the Fashion Technology Academy (FTA) has supported two refugees in particular; Mansor and his brother Emran. As with any learner the FTA will support in every way possible and this results in a professional bond.
During an observation by the Assessor and IQA it was noted that Mansor and Emran were exceptionally strong stitchers and found the Level 1 Stitching qualification far too easy. With the exit IAG and end-of-course survey both learners were referred to careers advice where both were offered immediate jobs with Fashion-Enter Ltd and their factory in Haringey.
Everything was lined up to go – however there was a major issue. Despite having a guaranteed job the family of Mansor and Emran were sent to Manchester thus ending employment prospects.
Jenny Holloway complained and commented: “Why would any government body undertake the expense and the heartache of transferring an entire family to Manchester when they could be contributing to the UK economy and supporting the growth of Made in the UK. To me this is utter madness.”
Jenny then contacted Lucy Parker, Advice Worker at SDCAS and said that she would write a letter of support to the Home Office for both refugees and hold jobs open for them both. We are now delighted to confirm that the Home Office has seen sense and Mansor and Emran have applied to Refugees at Home for temporary accommodation in London.
In December both men will be enrolling on to the Level 2 stitching course to ensure that there is full knowledge in all intricate areas of stitching and will then be offered a job with Fashion-Enter Ltd. Thank-you to SDCAS and Lucy for the ongoing support.