Fashion Enter Opens Its Doors For Haringey’s Festival Of Learning

As a part of Haringey’s Festival of Learning initiative Fashion Enter / FTA HQ opened its doors on Wednesday 10th July and welcomed local residents to take a good look around and get insight on the manufacturing services, apprenticeships and courses that we provide.

Visitors were able to:

– Tour the factory

– Take part in a pattern cutting exercise (half size inverted pleated skirt)

– Sew a wallet

– Talk to apprentices about their experience on the job/course

The Festival of Learning aims to get local residents involved with what goes on in their borough and encourage them to pursue training in a particular field.

Feedback from attendees included:

“Plenty of useful information and I learned all about pattern cutting and apprenticeships with the company.”

“I enjoyed every part. The apprenticeship presentation was fantastic. I’d be very interested in joining.”

“I got to learn about the different options available. The existence of the variety of positions within the industry along with the variety of apprenticeships.”“I have learned how to make and cut out a small pleated skirt which I really enjoyed so much and has taken my understanding as a beginner to another level.”

The FTA team added:

“Participants were very keen, I was happy to exchange all my knowledge and answer questions about our live factory. It was fun meeting people, seeing their passion for wanting to create their own label but not knowing where to start and I gave them advice. We went through the processes, how a simple sketch leads into different stages of production, right through to finishing and packing and how garments are presented to the customer.” – Elle Argyriou, Garment Technologist

“It was good to see new people interested in learning and engaging in pattern cutting with enthusiasm.” – Julia Burrows, Perfect Patterns Senior Tutor

“Everyone was so enthusiastic and engaged! Participants found the information I gave on the apprenticeship programme, what they will be learning and the different job roles very interesting and asked lots of questions. They also enjoyed hearing from our apprentices who explained what they do on a daily basis as well as their experiences of being in the workplace.” – Jo Price, Senior Lecturer

“Everything went well, from beginning to end. I observed and guided the participants. Participants learned how to use an industrial machine, and how to make a half size inverted pleated skirt. We are introduced a new unit into level 2 Stitching Academy Introduction to Accessories (bags).” – Ana Cover, Stitching Academy Tutor

“I am very pleased that our FTA tutors and attendees thoroughly enjoyed our Fashion Enter Open Day. Some of the prospective learners expressed an interest in our Stitching, Pattern Cutting and Apprenticeship jobs and will be signing up for our September 2019 intake.

“We will be pleased to make referrals for provision offered by Haringey Adult Learning Service HALS as some learners expressed an interest in their programmes. Thank you to Haringey’s Festival of Learning and HALS for involving us. We look forward to more community based events who can improve local training and employment opportunities.” – Esme, FTA Operations Manager

The Festival for Learning Haringey was organized by Haringey Adult Learning Service.
