On Monday 1st November Fashion-Enter Ltd CEO Jenny Holloway and Apprentice Tutor Louis-Christian Pendegrass, undertook specified Safeguarding and Prevent Training with the current cohort of apprentices.
Safeguarding, in the training and workplace, is about the general protection of health, wellbeing and human rights of individuals. Under legislation, all parties involved in an apprenticeship must take reasonable action to minimise risks to apprentices, identify risks where there are vulnerable individuals and take appropriate action.
Prevent is about safeguarding vulnerable people from being drawn in to terrorism and about building community resilience to challenge extremist and terrorist ideology.
Jenny Holloway commented: “We can all tick boxes in education today to say that we have taught ‘Safeguarding and Prevent’ but actually do the apprentices understand these areas in the context of their learning here at Fashion-Enter Ltd? We had open discussions on the new legislation that occurred in September 2021 ‘Keeping Children Safe’ which relates to cyber bullying and e learning plus peer to peer abuse. With COVID so much of the teaching is now online so added security and open frank discussions are needed today with all our learners.
“It was great to meet some of the apprentices and know now that they are more aware of the risks and support that we can offer.”