To celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, the borough of Haringey will be hosting a panel event where businesswomen and founders from Tottenham and beyond will share their journeys and insights.
Whether you are a small business, an aspiring entrepreneur, unsure what’s next or just curious, come join the discussion, share your work and connect with inspiring businesses.
The event will also feature: Networking opportunities . Stands and information about current business support and skills programmes including Fashion-Enter’s current business support initiative: N17 Creative Callings, alongside Creative Society’s Creative Job Studio, Start-ups in London Libraries, Opportunity Investment Fund OIF, Haringey Adult Learning HALS and London Growth Hub and more. Light refreshments and snacks provided by local businesses: True Craft, Prestigie Patisserie, Electric Grubb
Speakers include: Mickela Hall-Ramsay founder of HR Sports Academy, Khalia Ismain founder of Jamii, Karen Jelenje founder of Activate the City, Sophie Higgins founder of Be You Be Me, Nonia Soko founder of Crafty North Londoner, Halyee Venus founder of Spoken, Jenny Holloway founder of Fashion Enter and Zara Afflick founder of Box of Prints
All are welcome: Entrepreneurs, creatives, freelancers, seasoned/newly self-employed, budding sole traders and SMEs. All ages, students, teachers, part-time, full-time, unemployed or just curious about the topic.
Saturday 14th March 4 – 8pm Marcus Garvey Library, 1 Philip Lane, London N15 4JA.
This is a free event tap this link to register.