On Monday 8th July we opened up the Factory and Fashion Technology Academy (FTA) to learners from Gladesmoore Community School. The learners along with two tutors from the school based in South Tottenham experienced our uniquely tailored ‘Career’s Open Day’, a local initiative in collaboration with Haringey Mayor – Councillor Peacock.
The team explained about the many steps of the garment life cycle (132 steps!) and the wide variety of jobs involved. The learners were engaged and involved as they took a Factory Tour and spoke to Katarina, Chris, Beth, Angela, Elle, Claire, Ana and Julia about their jobs and day to day working lives. The group also played a fun game of ‘spot the bestseller’ and found out about the various career pathways on offer at the FTA.
Feedback from the students included:
“I didn’t realise there are so many jobs in fashion.”
“I have asked to do work experience here in the summer.”
“I want to learn how to make my own clothes. The factory was great.”
CEO Jenny Holloway added: “It was great to engage with the pupils of Gladesmoore Community School. They were totally engaged, bright and a credit to their school. If we want to put pattern and stitching skills on the map then we need school engagement. It was a pleasure to have Gladesmoore Community School here and again marvellous to see Cllr Sheila Peacock too.”
Kimberley Joseph, Senior Regeneration Communications Officer at Haringey Council said: “I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to come along to the school tour yesterday (8th July). I was incredibly impressed with the format and delivery. The young people were so excited and engaged throughout. The visit definitely inspired them.”