Fashion Enter, sister company to FashionCapital and the Fashion Technology Academy, is looking to branch out and open a Fashion Tailoring Academy…
On the 14th November 2017 the Fashion Enter team heard from Haringey Council that the concept of a Fashion Tailoring Academy, to work alongside the existing Fashion Technology Academy, has got through the first stage of the funding process. Fashion Enter will now have to submit a second stage application to the Mayor and the Greater London Authority outlining all aspects of the project and its benefits to London and the industry as a whole.
Last month Fashion Enter announced that it was named as the preferred training provider for The Savile Row Bespoke Association, providing training in Bespoke Tailoring from Levels 2 & 3 as well as the ABC Level 5 Diploma. The development of a specialist tailoring academy would ensure these essential skills are continuously developed and maintained across the board at exceptional standards. Long established tailoring businesses have declared a very real skills shortage and the proposed tailoring academy would provide that essential first step to retain and build back those skills in the UK.