This qualification is designed for learners who wish to develop their skills in English to help them gain the most from work, education and everyday life.
Its assessment requires the learner to apply skills-based and problem-solving techniques in realistic settings. Functional skills qualifications are recommended for learners over the age of 14. The qualification is suitable for delivery in a wide range of learning environments and can be taken as a stand-alone qualification or as part of a wider programme of study. Learners undertaking an apprenticeship will need to successfully complete functional skills, or prove their exemption, in order to pass through gateway.
What you will study
The reformed qualification includes 3 mandatory components
Speaking, Listening & Communication
This component is internally assessed and quality assured by the centre and externally moderated by Highfield.
Learners must complete 2 assessed tasks:
- A presentation and Q&A
- A group discussion
Tutors & assessors record observational evidence of the assessment on the Highfield Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 2: Speaking, Listening and Communication Assessment Record.
Learners must complete 1 written examination that is set, marked and moderated by Highfield.
Learners must complete 1 written examination that is set, marked and moderated by Highfield.
The reading and writing examinations will be available on demand in either on screen or paper-based formats.
How You Will be Taught
Blended delivery – classroom and distance learning via an online platform.
Complementary resources
Learners will receive complimentary access to an online functional skills resource that hosts a range of engaging English materials to support learners, including initial assessments, tutorials and interactive learning resources. Please contact your Highfield account manager to take advantage of this offer.
Practice Examinations
Our practice examinations are available to support learners in their preparation for their functional skills examination, and are available in both paper-based and on screen formats. On screen practice examinations help learners to familiarise themselves with the various features of the system such as how to navigate through the exam and text formatting options. Please note, however, that on-screen practice examinations are for familiarisation purposes only and responses cannot be saved. Therefore, if a tutor would like to mark the learner’s responses they must review the learner’s answers prior to the learner finishing the examination.
What can I do once I have completed the course?
Learners successfully completing this qualification may wish to progress on to further qualifications, such as:
- GCSE English